Admission department at the UST announces the opening date

Umdurman: Ghada Ahmed Osman

The University of Science and Technology UST announced the date of admission as of 24th of the current month. Dr. Mudathir Abdulrahman, director of admission department stated that admission to the medical colleges came as completed from the Ministry of Higher education and Sientific Research without vacant positions. As for resignation option he says it will remain open disclosing that application will be via the Ministry website as from the 24th of this month. He notifies that remaining colleges seats are very limited as they have admitted 60% and most of admitted students started their registration procedures. He also pointed out that administrative and technical procedures taken by UST have contributed much to easing the process as these procedures take 6 steps but can be achieved in about 10 minutes. He explained that there is an English language course for all students admitted this year.