Singapore’s experience in economic renaissance

Singapore’s experience in economic renaissance Prof. Dr. Fikri Kabashi, the Arab Secretary. Dean of the Deanship of Quality at the University of Science and Technology The Singaporean renaissance was not the result of the moment, but the results of tremendous efforts by the hero of the Singaporean state, “Lee Kuan Yew.” Singapore. Singapore has suffered greatly from administrative, financial and security corruption, as Singapore was classified at the time as one of the most dangerous places in the world to be exposed to crimes and thefts, as there was a very large insecurity. The Republic of Singapore is a very small country in terms of area. Its area upon attaining independence in 1965 did not exceed half the area of ​​Bahrain, or one tenth of the area of ​​the Emirate of Dubai. It also does not have any natural resources on its territory. There is absolutely no oil, no natural gas, and no mineral wealth to explore. In addition, it gained its independence at a time of turmoil in a region lacking political stability. To make matters worse, it contains a multi-ethnic population fabric. Where the Chinese represent 75% of it, while the Malays represent 15% and the Indians 8%. If we turn to beliefs, the situation is not better. We have a very diverse mixture of them, including Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists and other religions and sects. Knowing this, it is not surprising that outside observers then confidently expected that Singapore would not exist, and that its failure would be caused by external pressure or internal turmoil. But against all their expectations, Singapore has become the most successful country in modern human history, improving the standard of living of its people at a faster and more comprehensive pace than any other country ever. In the Quality of Life Index published by the Economist Intelligence Unit, Singapore ranked first in Asia and eleventh in the world and has the ninth highest reserve in the world. The country has a well-equipped national army that relies on the latest weapons, according to the Henley Index. And its partners for visa restrictions In 2014, the Singaporean passport ranked sixth in the world, as it enables its holders to enter 167 countries without a prior visa. It has now become the fourth most important financial center in the world and the fifth richest country in the world in terms of hard currency reserves. The third largest source of foreign currency, with Singapore reaching five and a half million tourists annually. The rate of per capita income from the gross national product reached sixty-four thousand dollars in 2013 AD. Third place in the world. The unemployment rate does not reach three percent and it is considered the number one financial and technological center in the region. The cleanest city in the world, beautiful in appearance and good air, skyscrapers, buildings with modern and elegant geometric shapes, tall palms, trees and beautiful green gardens make it heaven on earth. How did Singapore, just a small island in Southeast Asia, with no natural resources, become one of the most developed countries in the world? And how did its system of government and its policy structure create the most important economies and create the most successful societies in the world in just a few decades? What is the “secret sauce” behind Singapore’s success? One suffices to take a look at the essential ingredient of this success: the merit-based system. Through a unique mix of policies that prioritize merit, competence and merit over any other attribute, Singapore has been able to develop an equitable education system and an advanced public civil service that ensures effective government action, raises national productivity levels, achieves sustainable development, and establishes societal cohesion. Indeed, meritocracy has been the wind in Singapore’s sails. Upon returning from Oxford University, Lee Kuan Yew was a good lawyer and experienced politician, the first General Secretary and founding member of the People’s Action Party. He saw the level of backwardness and backwardness that his country had reached, which was compounded by more regret and regret for a homeland that some consider to be outside the planet. Parliamentary elections came and Lee Kuan Yew won the position of Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore and ruled for three consecutive decades. He made a modern renaissance in light of that The difficult and arduous conditions experienced by his country. He received many shocks during his rule. He had nothing to do but a poor, backward people and a government that was accustomed to living on administrative, financial and moral corruption. A country plagued by bribery, looting of public money, and social ethnic differences and disputes between more than three ethnicities, Chinese, Malay, Indian, and East Asian people, dreamed of moving Singapore is from a third world country to a first world country. He built a homeland for the citizen, not a homeland for him, as the island was just a village for fishermen devoid of natural resources. It was founded by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles in 1819 AD, and its importance as a port for naval ships has emerged since that time. Lee Kuan Yew began to change the systems of his country and enact new laws little by little and put a barrier to administrative and financial corruption for his government and people. Lee Kuan Yew was able to build an economic renaissance and make his country one of the most important countries in the world as he dreamed, as his policy of investing in people was adopted The Singaporean himself, through education, the intensification of scientific missions abroad, and the development of the human and industrial level as a whole, Singapore made its way based on human resources and qualified people. Lee Kuan Yew saw that there is no economic renaissance except in the investment and rehabilitation of the individual himself, so modern scientific curricula were developed and focused on building the teacher, who is the rule basic building blocks for future generations. Its population exceeds five and a half million people and an area of ​​2776 square miles. Thus, Lee Kuan Yew is considered a legend of the magic of the past and the glory of the future