Dr. Al-Moataz Al-Birair Center for Entrepreneurship launches its annual plan with a workshop on how to prepare successful projects

By: Mona Abdullah

Dr. Al-Moataz Al-Birair Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Science and Technology implemented its first training workshop on how to prepare successful projects amid a large turnout of students and those interested.  That is in line with the center’s objectives and its slogan of (creative graduate doesn’t look for labor market, but rather creates it).

Director of the Center, Dr. Atef Awad, and the trainer as well, said that the workshop represents launching of the center’s plan for the year 3023 that approved by UST president and his adoption of this strategic project, which is an important entrance for the university towards globalization and third-generation universities. He added that their slogan for 2023, is the year of leadership and innovation and that the aim of the workshop is to spread the culture of entrepreneurship amongst UST students and graduates with their various specializations as well as building community of entrepreneurship and innovation at the university through establishing a considerable database that includes both students and alumni, announcing their plan of 12 workshops, one at the end of each month throughout the year, targeting 2,400 students and graduates.

Dr. Atef said that passion and idea are the basis of entrepreneurial projects, as well as getting rid of fear and storming difficulties and adventure with the possibility of failure. He pointed out that small and medium enterprises represent more than (80%) of total investment projects in most countries of the world and achieved a rate of up to (50%) of national production for those countries. The percentage of labor employed in these projects as: (Bangladesh 89%, Indonesia 88%, India 87%, Egypt 75%, Japan 74%, France 69%, Britain 67%, Germany 66%,  America 54%) adding that any project requires a study of the market reality with capabilities development, self-confidence and avoidance of frustration and failure. He described successful people as people who searched for the conditions they want and when they did not find them, they create them, by relying on business opportunities that generate the idea with creativity and innovation for a specific project in mind.  He added that a good opportunity is one that produces a service with technical and financial marketing feasibility that is commensurate with the status of the project owner by focusing on good opportunities that generate income.

He added that these projects depend on the eight Conran plan for management and change that compromise (finding the need, the change team, strategic vision, communication plan, avoiding resistance, rapid achievements, insistence and encouragement) with their application on the ground like agricultural, industrial projects and other enterprises. Coach Abdul Hamid Mahmoud accredited by the British Center, said that the passion is linked to business and its development, as success of any project represents 10%, passion is 45% and the implementation of the idea is 45% with a focus on leadership skills through initiative, cooperation and solving problems. Indicating that small leading entrepreneurship projects depend on sources such as grants, partnership or loans from banks in addition to other various skills in technology. Noting that Sudan is rich of agricultural products that can be exploited and introduced into the circle of manufacturing and production. At the end of the workshop models of advanced productive projects were presented as well as how they can be used.