December 27, 2022
Omdurman: Ghada Ahmed Othman
The University of Science and Technology in cooperation with the Norwegian University of Bergen, is organizing an important symposium on (Medical Professions Research) under the slogan of (Towards cooperation between medical professions). Professor Anne Christine and Dr. Cecilia Jerdi from the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Bergen, Norway, and Professor Sami Khaled, dean of the faculty of pharmacy, will address the symposium as well as Professor Al-Muntasir Taha, head of the department of medical education at the faculty of medicine, and professor Ahmed Bolad, director of the medical research center from UST. It is expected that many research papers will presented from colleges of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and medical laboratories. The symposium is to be held at the international Hall at the engineering compound next Saturday.
It is to be noted that college of Dentistry distributed invitation cards to a cosiderable number of doctors to honor the symposium which is expected to receive a qualitative attendance and a large follow-up by specialists. UST had signed a cooperation agreement since 2007 with the University of Bergen, Norway. The agreement included the exchange of students and faculty members as 25 students from the University of Science and Technology were sent for postgraduate studies to obtain a doctorate and master’s degree from the University of Bergen.