Ahmed Gasim Hospital support initiative inauguration

By: Bakri Khader

University of Science and Technology launched its initiative of supporting Ahmed Gasim Hospital from within the university, as to mobilize students and graduates in a charity party in favor of the initiative. Director of Community Partnership Department, Dr. Amna Al-Tayeb, said that community partnership at UST is an old one that started with Al Birair Cultural Center in the mid-nineties to be as a channel between the university and community.

She said that the initiative to support Ahmed Qasim Hospital was imposed by the reality of the health conditions in the country and comes in line with the university’s strategy based on the necessity of community service. She added that social responsibility is deeply rooted into Sudanese society and part of its customs and traditions.  She announced the launch of the initiative from within UST with a charity party, an eye clinic, a cinema, and bazaar markets.