Dr. Al Moataz Mohamed Ahmed Al Birair Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Science and Technology UST, implemented a training workshops in the states of Red Sea and Gedaref early February. That came amid interest of students, media professionals, graduates of Sudanese universities and professional sectors at the state level.
Director of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center, Dr. Atef Awad, said that the training workshops come within the center’s plan for the current year as it aims to open up towards states, explaining that the center held a training workshop in the state of Gedaref, where 80 students and graduates and a number of faculty members participated. Also, received a wide media attention at the state level, and it was honored, along with students and graduates, by a considerable number of media professionals, doctors, engineers, and those interested in entrepreneurship. As forthe Red Sea workshop it was organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs at the University of the Red Sea to train students participating in the global (Hult Prize) competition where its version for this year was about fashion design in line with the goals of sustainable development. he added that the workshop focused on innovation in design and industry.
Dr. Atef considered that such training workshops are an opportunity to expand the scope of the center’s work, and to introduce it, its mission, vision, and goals that are in line with community service and contributing to achieving sustainable development, in implementation of UST president’s vision and directions that aim towards excellence and leadership.