By: Mona Abdullah
Dr. Al Moataz Mohammad Ahmed Al-Birair Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Science and Technology implemented its third training workshop with participation of heads of departments and those interested in entrepreneurship from the Employers Union, Ministry of Industry and Investment, International University of Africa, National Center for Entrepreneurship (Family Bank) and Giad Company. The workshop dealt with the concept of entrepreneurship, innovation and establishment of small and medium pprojects as raising capabilities of specialized units in various faculties represents basic requirements for third-generation universities. Also, graduating students who are able to create labor market through the implementation of scientific projects on the ground. The workshop lasts for three days at UST international hall.
International consultant and expert at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Amir Hassan Abu Bakr, said that integration of entrepreneurship in universities represents one of the pillars of sustainable development for the country, referring to the South Korean entrepreneur (Chung Hoyotg) who owns 42 commercial activities in various fields. He added that most important concepts and features of the fourth industrial revolution and its relationship to entrepreneurship and innovation indicates countries’ interest in entrepreneurship, innovation, as well as conversion of creative ideas into tangible projects, citing examples of the United States, China, India, and Japan, pointing to the need for promoting and strengthening private sector, stimulating self-employment, empowering small businessmen and investors, and integrate them into the development process as to feed large industries.
Marketing and innovation
The international expert revealed also that there is a developed national sector with multiple local investors, and this represents the most important factor for attracting foreign investments that contribute to supporting national economy and combating poverty. He pointed out that innovation-based businesses focus on marketing and inventions and the need for working team and limited shareholders, and that small and meduim businesses depend on the needs of local market and that its risks are low as operation opems local individual and family opportunities. He said the most important motives for entrepreneurship represented in self-independence as it is an opportunity for expression, self-development, discovery of capabilities and innovation, financial profit and the ability to make decisions. He referred to a number of advanced local and global entrepreneurial projects adding that China and Japan used the eye print in electronic process, two-dimensional models, as well as the use of drone device in agricultural areas for detecting dry land, combating epidemics, and other service and investment projects that depend on value and uniqueness.
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Director of Arab Center for Entrepreneurship in Bahrain, Dr. Hashim Suleiman Hussein, added that achieving the goals of sustainable development comes through moving investment and attracting investors from developed countries to developing ones, pointing out that the fourth university support conference for entrepreneurship and innovation will be held next May through their center that was established in Bahrain which has supportive programs to spread the culture of entrepreneurship, adding that every institution needs forces that address the nature of the project, a feasibility study, and financing.
Enhancing skills
Dr. Hashem revealed that service institutions, since 2000, have put in place a comprehensive mechanism and national programs aimed at spreading the spirit of leadership and economic empowerment of entrepreneurs. Institutions that achieve their growth and link them to financial institutions need clear plans that must be put in place as to play an active role in developing their growth through a set of specialized services and external and internal support through a number of banks such as Bank of Khartoum and Family Bank. He said that the best developmental programs are service ones through groups with life skills to achieve sustainable development as well as enhancing development and innovation experiences.